Risk Resilience: Bawn's Guide to Cybersecurity and Beyond

Building Digital Fortresses: The Necessity of Cyber Resiliency

Written by Bawn | Jun 10, 2024 1:53:00 PM

In today’s digital landscape, no company is completely immune from cyber attacks. Despite the sophisticated defenses that many businesses employ, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) can eventually find vulnerabilities to exploit. This reality underscores the critical need for organizations to invest not only in cybersecurity but also in cyber resiliency. The ability to quickly recover after a cyber attack is now just as important as preventing the attack itself.

Understanding Cyber Resiliency

Cyber resiliency refers to an organization’s ability to continuously deliver the intended outcome despite adverse cyber events. It involves preparing for, responding to, and recovering from cyber incidents to minimize the impact on business operations. Here's why investing in cyber resiliency is non-negotiable:

  1. No Immunity From Cyber Attacks: The evolving sophistication of cyber threats means that even the most secure systems can be compromised.
  2. APTs Will Find Vulnerabilities: APTs are persistent and can bide their time to find and exploit weaknesses.
  3. Quick Recovery is Essential: Minimizing downtime and restoring normal operations quickly is crucial for maintaining business continuity and customer trust.

Key Investments to Increase Cyber Resiliency

To enhance resiliency, companies should focus on several specific areas:

1. Immutable Backup Systems

Investing in immutable backup systems ensures that data cannot be altered or deleted. Regularly testing these backups is crucial to ensure they will function correctly when needed.

2. Disaster Recovery Procedures

Developing well-written and rigorously tested disaster recovery procedures will help an organization respond effectively when an incident occurs. These procedures should be revisited and updated regularly to reflect new threats and changes in the business environment.

3. Alternative Access Means

Having alternative ways to access network and cloud resources can be a lifeline during an attack. This includes secure remote access solutions that allow employees to continue working even if the primary network is compromised.

4. Backup Power Sources

Cyber attacks can coincide with physical disruptions. Ensuring backup power sources, such as generators and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), can keep critical systems online during an outage.

Case Studies of Successful Cyber Resiliency Investments

1. Maersk

In 2017, Maersk, a global shipping giant, was hit by the NotPetya ransomware attack, costing the company over $300 million. Despite the severity of the attack, Maersk's investment in a robust backup system and a well-documented disaster recovery plan allowed them to restore operations within a week.

2. JPMorgan Chase

As one of the largest financial institutions in the world, JPMorgan Chase has heavily invested in cybersecurity and resiliency measures. Their regular cyber resilience testing and dedicated response teams enabled them to quickly recover from a DDoS attack in 2016, ensuring continued service for customers.

3. Cloudflare

Cloudflare, a leading web security and performance company, has implemented advanced resiliency measures, including multiple data centers worldwide and a network capacity designed to absorb and mitigate large-scale attacks. Their investments have maintained uptime and protected customer data during even the most challenging cyber events.

Expert Insight

Renowned cybersecurity expert Bruce Schneier once said, “Security is a process, not a product.” This quote is particularly relevant when considering cyber resiliency. Building a resilient organization requires continuous effort, vigilance, and adaptation to the ever-changing threat landscape.


For small business owners and SMB decision makers, the necessity of investing in cyber resiliency cannot be overstated. No organization is invulnerable to cyber attacks, and the ability to recover quickly is paramount. By investing in immutable backup systems, disaster recovery procedures, alternative access methods, and backup power sources, businesses can build digital fortresses capable of withstanding and bouncing back from cyber incidents.

Investing in cyber resiliency is not just a defensive strategy; it's a proactive step towards ensuring business continuity and maintaining customer trust in the face of inevitable cyber threats.

Are you ready to build your digital fortress? Start today by assessing your current cyber resiliency measures and planning your next steps to strengthen them.

For more insights and tailored advice, feel free to reach out, and let's fortify your business against future threats together.